
The latest News and Views from the minds at Brainstorm.


Lead Nurturing Best Practices to Help Boost Sales

Each year, HubSpot releases its annual State of Inbound Marketing Report.  And, every year, lead generation is listed as the number one challenge facing marketers. Unfortunately, this has caused some marketers to spend too much time and effort generating new leads, and not nearly enough on nurturing their existing leads to make them more sales ready.

Read More “Calculating the ROI of Inbound Marketing:
Tracking the Effectiveness of Your Efforts Is Just Smart Business”

Five Ways to Use Social Media for Lead Generation

By now, virtually every business has boosted its social media presence in order to increase exposure, build a better relationship with customers and to become recognized as a thought leader in their industry. But there’s another benefit to social media that most companies haven’t take advantage of yet: it’s a great tool for lead generation.

Read More “Calculating the ROI of Inbound Marketing:
Tracking the Effectiveness of Your Efforts Is Just Smart Business”

Why Working With Multiple Marketing Tools Makes You Less Efficient

Did you hear the one about the guy who walked into the wellness store to stock up on natural supplements and bought so much, he threw his back out trying to carry it to his car? The lesson: Too much of a good thing can produce bad results—sometimes the opposite result of what its purpose is. A workplace example of that: productivity apps.

Read More “Calculating the ROI of Inbound Marketing:
Tracking the Effectiveness of Your Efforts Is Just Smart Business”

What’s Coming to LinkedIn in 2020?

LinkedIn continues to be the premier social network platform when it comes to reaching B2B decision makers, and its benefits go far beyond showcasing your business and, prospecting and recruiting. Over the past few years, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions has added many new features to take advantage of changing trends and help marketers better reach their goals.

Read More “Calculating the ROI of Inbound Marketing:
Tracking the Effectiveness of Your Efforts Is Just Smart Business”

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