How to Use Pinterest for Marketing

Unless you’ve been trapped underneath a rock for the last 6 months, chances are you’ve heard a thing or two about Pinterest – the hot, new social media site. As of this month, Pinterest has over 10 million registered users, and is one of the fastest growing social media sites of all-time. So the masses are clearly embracing Pinterest and you should too – especially if you are marketing towards females.

So here’s a handful of best practices for marketing your business on Pinterest:

Feature Interesting Visuals

Promoting your business with Pinterest (and all social media) is all about delivering remarkable content. When you create your "pin boards" make sure they are filled with visually compelling images and videos in a variety of colors and styles. Mix and match color images, black & white photos, illustrations, etc. Be creative, have fun with it!

Follow the Popular People

To raise awareness for your brand, you need to get eyeballs on your pin boards. And the easiest way to bring attention to your boards is by following the big names on Pinterest. Just like on Twitter – When you follow popular people, and they follow you back, their followers get the message and will probably follow as well. It’s also a good practice to search for people that are "pinning" your products and follow them – most of them will follow you back.

Don’t Be Overly Self-Promotional

It’s very tempting to promote only the products or service you sell. But Pinterest users will quickly catch on and you won’t get very far. Being a good pinner is about providing value to the rest of the community. Post interesting images, news tips and products from multiple sources (and some of yours) and you will get much farther.

Integrate with Your Website

If you’re promoting one of your products on Pinterest, make sure you include a link back to your website. Although it’s a "no-follow" link, it still counts as an inbound link. And, if a product gets "re-pinned", you could get some nice traffic to your site. Also be sure to add the "pin it" button on the products and images on your website. This will help your website visitors share your product or image with their Pinterest followers.

Use Video

Pinterest isn’t only for pictures, it’s for videos as well. Do you have videos of customers using your products? Or how about videos from tradeshows or speaking events? If so, Pin them up! Create a visually compelling pin board that tells a story with your videos and pictures together.

Be Search Friendly

Just like Twitter, Pinterest users can use hashtags (#) to tag their pins and make their content more search-friendly. If your launching a new product line, make a pin board around it and use the hash tag to make it searchable. For example: (#Bowlingball). Also, if you design a pin board around a very popular topic or current event, use the hash tag and you could get a nice influx of visitors!

People are always looking for a quicker, more visual ways to get information. Pinterest delivers one of the most innovative, visual forms of social sharing we’ve seen. Try these tips to get started marketing your company on Pinterest – and let us know your feedback!

If you’d like to learn more about a social media strategy for your business, contact Brainstorm Studio today!

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